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Flying to the United States

The adventures began for me, Joan, when I arrived to the Barcelona Airport at 3 in the afternoon. Once I finished checking in my bags, I went through security to then board the plane. But I was randomly selected to have my bags checked again by the security. The security guards went through all of my belongings and were very thorough. ¡Invadieron mi privacidad! I was very nervous because it was the first time that I flew alone and for many hours. Now that I have flown alone for 8 and a half hours and passed extensive amounts of security, I can now say that whatever challenges come my way, I can overcome them!

The adventures began for me, Katarina, when my father and I drove to the Newark International Airport to pick up Joan from his flight from Barcelona. I live in Princeton Junction, New Jersey, I am 10 minutes away from the famous university, Princeton University. This was the first time that I was going to meet my Skype partner from Spanish class. I was so excited! Once my father and I parked the car, we waited by the luggage claim to greet Joan after his long flight from Barcelona. Once I saw him, I was so happy that he arrived safely. My father wanted to capture the moment when we first met but this woman (see gif below) cut right in front of us!! Once we collected his luggage, Joan was hungry so we decided to stop at a famous diner in New Jersey called Skylark Diner. Once we finished eating, my father drove the three of us home.

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