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Day Fourteen: Lambertville & New Hope

Today was my last full day in the United States! It feels bittersweet - although I am sad to be leaving, I am excited to see my family after two weeks. Today, Katarina and I spent most of our day in two towns: Lambertville and New Hope. Katarina's friend, Ani, was celebrating her actual birthday today and invited the two of us to join her in Lambertville and New Hope.

Once Katarina and I were all ready, Connie drove us in the car with Nikos. We were dropped off and Connie and Nikos decided to walk around the towns as well. Katarina and I walked for a bit around Lambertville before crossing to New Hope. You have to cross a large bridge to visit either town! Since today was a beautiful and sunny day, many people were walking around.

Katarina and I visited New Hope so I could see what it looked like, in case Ani did not want to spend time in New Hope. Once Ani and her boyfriend, Martin, arrived, we met with them to walk around New Hope. Katarina and I were a bit hungry so we stopped at a smoothie and acai bowl shop! I ordered a smoothie and Katarina ordered a acai bowl with fruit. It was the perfect refreshing treat for this warm day!

Once we walked around, Ani decided that we should eat at a restaurant. She found a good restaurant and we decided to eat there. It was called "The Landing Restaurant" and it was right by the river! It had a great view! After waiting for 35 minutes, we were finally seated. Ani and I ordered fish and chips, Martin ordered a chicken sandwich, and Katarina ordered a salad. Thankfully we all enjoyed our food!

Once we paid the bill, Ani wanted to drive back to her house because she was feeling very tired. The four of us then got in her car and she drove us home. Once Katarina and I returned to her house, we realized how much we needed a break from the sun! As I packed my belongings for my flight back to Barcelona tomorrow, Katarina touched up on some things in the blog.

Michael made a delicious dinner. He cooked baked salmon with brussel sprouts, broccoli, and white rice. Once Katarina's family and I finished eating, we relaxed for the rest of the night. I am so grateful that I have had the chance to visit the United States and spend my vacation with Katarina and her family.

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