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Day Fifteen: Flying back to Barcelona

I can't believe that I am leaving tonight to fly back to Barcelona! The two weeks that I have spent in the United States have gone by so quickly. I am very excited though to see my family and eat some of my favorite foods that I have missed. Today, Katarina and her family and I stayed local and relaxed.

I had the chance to sleep in this morning - we have been traveling around constantly, it was so nice to have a chance to relax. Once her family and I got ready for the day, we dropped Nikos off at his job. Then Michael, Katarina, and I went to an Italian restaurant in their area called Carlucci's. We had such a great lunch! What I also enjoyed about our lunch was that our server was from Spain!

Once we paid the bill, our server came back to our table and asked where I was from because my accent was so familiar. I told him that I was from Barcelona, Spain and his face immediately lit up! He was from Madrid and we conversed for a bit in Spanish. Once we left the restaurant, Katarina and her father took me to a popular farm in their area called Terhune Orchards. It was very quaint but too hot for me! I think that if I ever returned to the United States during autumn, I would love to visit the farm again. The trees turn orange and red during autumn in NJ!

Once we left the farm, we went back to Katarina's house. I still needed to finish packing and I wanted to relax before my long flight back home. As I relaxed at home, I watched Katarina, Nikos, and Michael play Mario Kart and wrote letters to my family. Before I knew it, it was 6:30pm - I needed to start driving to the airport!

Katarina and her family helped me load their luggage in the car. We all said our goodbyes and Michael and Katarina drove me to the airport. Once we arrived to Newark Liberty International Airport, we unloaded my luggage and checked my bags. Before I went through security, I said goodbye to Katarina and Michael. I am so grateful for the experience that I had in the United States, I hope that I can return again soon. Until next time America!

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