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Day Four: Relaxing, Mexican Food + Loteria, and visiting Princeton

After traveling throughout New Jersey and NYC, we decided to spend the day at Katarina's house relaxing and running errands. We started our day off by working on this blog and writing postcards to send to Spain. We walked to the post office and mailed off the postcards then drove to a grocery store called McCaffrey's. While at McCaffrey's, I wanted to buy a certain brand of shampoo for my mother, but they did not have it. So we decided to go to a multi-department store called Target, to buy the shampoo.

Target has many different items to buy! Luckily we found my mother's shampoo and I also bought American candy after walking throughout the store. After Katarina's father picked us up from Target, we drove back to her house and ate a traditional Mexican meal. Her father cooked carnitas tacos with cebolla, cilantro, queso, y crema. We also ate salsa. It was very delicious! After eating, we played a Mexican game called Loteria, it is very similar to bingo.

After eating, we took a trip to Costco, which is a large warehouse store. I was amazed by how big it was! They had many different items to buy. Although our trip was quick to Costco because we were going to meet with Katarina's friend Ani, who is also from Spain. We met Ani at a Mexican restaurant in Princeton called Tacoria, and we had tacos once again! We walked to a ice cream shop called the Bent Spoon, their ice cream was so creamy and delicious. I definitely want to eat their ice cream again soon!

After eating our ice cream and walking a bit around Princeton, we then went into a store called Urban Outfitters. I bought a backpack and Ani bought a shirt. I have been shopping almost every day since I arrived in the United States! Ani then drove me, Katarina, and Nikos (Katarina's brother) home. What a great way to end the night.

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